Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Finger nails down blackboards and the stuff below - why do these evoke such a strange reaction by people?

dry hands putting a cardboard box together, biting cotton wool - also what makes you physically cringe?Finger nails down blackboards and the stuff below - why do these evoke such a strange reaction by people?
putting paper in my mouth. It must be some strange reaction that takes us back to the stone-ageFinger nails down blackboards and the stuff below - why do these evoke such a strange reaction by people?
You just made my trotters curl up, just by reading your question!
A fork going across a china plate, just thinking of it makes me shiver!!!
Arrrgh...when you are eating dinner and the fork scrapes across the plate making that shrill noise, I cant bear it!
Polystyrene really makes me cringe :\

people sniffing when they have a cold. i know they cant help it but the noise makes me cringe alot.

all those make me cringe.

esp. rubbing Styrofoam together.

and when people chew with their mouth open and you can actually hear the saliva.

it's really nasty.

i dont know why.

but i will sure like to know.
Don't know but squeaking polystyrene is another.

%26gt;%26gt;brings shoulders up to ears and shudders%26lt;%26lt;
Ohh god lol mine is the cotton wool thing,i cant even touch it,the other one is dragging a wooden ice lolly stick through your front teeth eewwww
I think what makes me cringe pretty bad is when dry skin catches on cloth, especially something fuzzy that catches well.
am havin goosebumps just rememberin those irritating noises....
argh what about a metal fork touching you're filling?

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