Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why do some people finger nails look like the texture of clam shells?

The eyes have been called the windows to the soul. But your fingernails can be an excellent barometer of your physical health. From little white lines to big dark streaks, your fingernails may be trying to tell you something.

';Deficiencies in one's diet or systemic diseases or even medicines that are used to treat a problem can result in defects in the nail,'; says Dr. Jacquelyn Garrett, a Christian Hospital dermatologist.

Those little white lines are the most common defect. Those are generally considered harmless.

';Isolated white lines on the nail can be just a result of trauma. But the white appearance of the entire nail can be more of a signifying result of an internal disease such as anemia once again or a fungal infection locally, aids can even result in changes in the nail color,'; says Dr. Garrett.

A concave or spoon shaped nail is reason for concern. That can also mean low iron levels in the blood or anemia.

';That's a readily treatable problem by analyzing their blood and seeing what the blood counts are and remedying it with iron supplements.';

A half-white and half-pink or half-brownish nail can mean kidney or liver disease. People with the skin disease psoriasis may see a thickening or pitting of their nails. And brown or black streaks not caused by trauma are always cause for concern.

';Brown and black streaks in the nail, that could be indicative of malignant melanoma and that is very serious,'; says Dr. Garrett.

Usually after the health problem has been addressed, the nails will go back to normal.Why do some people finger nails look like the texture of clam shells?
Another possibility is chronic psoriasis. Depending on how it effects the individual, it can effect the look of the nails such as yellowing, pitting, warping and thickened growth.

Not pretty, but nothing that can be controlled since it is heredity causing it.Why do some people finger nails look like the texture of clam shells?
You may be describing onychogryphosis or onychomycosis. Onychogryphosis is a thickened overgrowth of the nails. Onychomycosis a fungal infection of the nail and the nail bed. Poor circulation can also result in abnormal nail appearance. Excessive, long-term nail-biting can cause uneven, ridged nails. Poor health and nutritional deficiencies do not usually result in what you have described; those appear differently.
yeast or mold infection many times
  • detox cleansing
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