Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What do white spots on my finger nails mean?

That is a sign that you are lacking something in your diet. Usually it is calcium, but could be something else. Try to eat better foods, drink milk instead of soda and you should cease to get them. They don't go away once they are there, they have to grow off your nail.What do white spots on my finger nails mean?
i've always heard that you get a white spot on your nail every time you tell a lie....yikes!

of course, i never had spots!!!

and i don't actually believe everything my nana told me!!What do white spots on my finger nails mean?
It is from pressure being placed on the finger nail; perhaps you hit it on something? It's not dangerous or anything.
that is were you have hit it on somthing and it marks it slightly
It's when you lie they appear.
i have heard the white spots mean that the calcium in your blood in low.
i am not sure what it really really means, but i heard that it's due to a minor trauma. i heard if you get hit under the nails, when it grows it, that's when that white spot/line shows after it grows out under. no need to worry though, everybody has it once at least
Usually the white spots are due to minor trauma. They are nothing to worry about and will grow out in time.
It could be a lot of things. What it is, is the formation of the keratin plate of the nail has been interfered with in some way. Sometimes it is physical damage, sometimes nutrient deficiency and in rare cases internal problems. But you'd know if you were that sick
it means you were adopted.
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