Saturday, August 21, 2010

How did indians cut their finger nails in the old days?

They probably didn't. The hard work (incredibly hard compared to the average US living style now) that they did would be enough to keep their nails worn down. Also, I can imagine that many kinds of rock can be used as a very nice file if it was needed. However, I doubt that they actually found much need to cut their nails.How did indians cut their finger nails in the old days?
their teeth

had others bite them

they used stones to file them downHow did indians cut their finger nails in the old days?
Bit them?
some of them filed them down with stones, or at least that is what was told to me by my grandmother!
People used knives. Even my grandfather did out of habit.
Many tribes had different ways. Some would wait %26amp; let them break off, %26amp; other would use Goulsten arrow heads to cut them off. Then the white man came with clippers %26amp; beads %26amp; problems were solved.
they most likely didnt and why do u care??
bite them.
OOOH ohhh pick me!! I got it! With Indian Finger Nail cutters!!! Oh am I I really don't know...maybe they filed them with bark??? bone??
used knives

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